Glow Notes

Quick Tips for Getting Rid of Zits
Around 85% of teens and young adults suffer from acne, but this skin condition includes more than your average pimple or two. (1) Acne encompasses blackheads, whiteheads, zits, cysts, and more. As teens, most of us think that when we grow up, our acne will magically go away. Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily the case. There are various reasons why pesky pimples bother us throughout all stages of life. In this article we are going to provide our favorite tips and tricks for fighting pimples and zits. Let’s dive in!
How to Reduce Age Spots Naturally
Lipofuscin is the technical term for “age spots” or “liver spots”. Here we explore how to reduce age spots naturally. Age spots or lipofuscin is a typically brown pigment that tends to come with aging. According to researchers, lipofuscin has...
Biotin for Treating Eczema & Dry Skin
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is the most common form of dermatitis. It is often considered a “genetic” condition, however, this may not be the full truth.  We know that stress, diet, and environmental factors are involved in its pathogenesis or development. People with eczema tend to have very dry and itchy skin that is more susceptible to infection. Dry skin is a common feature of poorly functioning skin. Therefore, restoring proper skin hydration is the most important part of treating eczema. 
Enhancing Your Skin & Beauty Naturally
In a world of Botox, fillers, FaceTune, and Instagram filters, many are left feeling self-conscious about their natural appearance. We’re here to tell you that the power to radiate natural beauty is alive and well, and to prove it we are providing our favorite ways to enhance your beauty at home!
Benefits of Apigenin: The Beautifying Flavonoid

Apigenin is a medicinal plant-flavone that is commonly found in various plant substances and herbs like chamomile, parsley, celery, and guava. It is also abundant in many medicinal mushrooms like agaricus blazei, shiitake, and maitake. 

Apigenin is a true wonder substance, with extensive studies that focus on its antineoplastic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress, pro-mitochondrial, neuroprotective, and general adaptogenic effects.

The Miracle Skin Benefits of Blue German Chamomile
Blue German Chamomile, also known as Blue Tansy, is a small flowering plant spread throughout Europe and Asia, and one of the most deliciously sweet and aromatic flowers used in organic cosmetics. If you come across this perennial herb while...
Ashwagandha Benefits for Women
Ashwagandha has a wide reputation in the world of herbal medicine as a potent adaptogen. Traditionally, ashwagandha has been used to improve energy, stamina, resistance to stress, libido, immunity and more. Today, research on ashwagandha’s broad-range medicinal effects has given it modern recognition. 
The Worst Oils for Your Skin: How Polyunsaturated Fats Age Skin
For a long time, fat has been demonized, being blamed for everything from heart attacks to obesity. However, you’ve probably heard the good news, the science is in and as it turns out, fat isn’t bad for us after all. What most of those old claims failed to point out was key discernment between types of fats. The fact is, not all fats are created equally. There are many different types of fats, some of those fats are incredibly nourishing and necessary for hormone production and thyroid function. A total avoidance of fat can lead to a variety of problems, particularly thyroid issues, which can cause the skin to become dry, weak and aged. Not only will the right types of fats improve our overall metabolic function, they can work miracles on our skin. However, before you begin, you should be aware of which kinds of fat you should add to your diet to for good health and a healthy glow.
The Benefits of a Clay Mask
Why You Should Use Clay on Your Skin:Beauty & Health Benefits of a Clay Mask The use of clay for topical healing and internal medicinal uses traces back throughout ancient history. Clay as medicine has been referenced as far back...
The Top 10 Toxic Chemicals in Perfumes and Cologne
For years, high-end fragrances and celebrity-recommended perfumes and colognes were a highly desired, novelty item. Smelling of Chanel or Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue was considered a sign of luxury that only a person of status might afford. However, according to statistics, sales of extravagant fragrance products like these have dropped significantly in the last few years. It’s possible that one reason for this is that the world is becoming more informed about the toxic nature of these products. Although unfortunate for these companies, we like to consider this is overall good news.
Chinese Face Mapping: An Ancient Guide to Healing Your Face & Body
The eyes never lie and the face tells all. It is true that the eyes are the window to the soul and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the face is the map which decodes the mind, body, and soul's silent language. We’ve all experienced this in some way or another – non-verbal exchanges to others passing by, tired eyes exhibiting a sleepless night, and the basic idea of body language. We all know that the face is, in some way or another, a mirror to the outer world which showcases our inner realm.