Glow Notes

The Most Medicinal Must-Have Plant Oils & Essential Oils for Healthy Skin Care
Although "oil-free" is still seen as a prized label for some skin care products, it's time we stop villainizing oils on the face because the fact is, they're highly beneficial for just about any skin ailment. Plant oils have been used for a variety of purposes throughout time. Various plant oils have been successfully incorporated into diets and even used as pharmaceuticals. Today, they are recognized for their therapeutic, anti-aging, and restorative effects on the health of our skin. When it comes to natural skin care, there are two classes of oils for the face that are must-haves; those are the plant carrier oils (specifically coconut, olive oil, and jojoba, amongst others) and various essential oils. 
Optimized Winter Skincare Routine
Winter is notoriously the “bad skin” season. We tend to spend more time indoors with poor air quality, exercise less, lack sun exposure, and eat fewer fresh foods. In addition, when we do go outside, the air is cold and dry. All of these factors are incredibly taxing on the skin.
Healing Rosacea Naturally
Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that affects up to 10% of the population. It is characterized by a reddish rash on the face and chest, more commonly affecting women. While rosacea generally develops a little bit later in life—in someone’s 30s-40s—rosacea is becoming increasingly prevalent in younger generations, developing as early as the teenage years.[
Reverse Scar Tissue: Healing Scars Naturally
Acne and skin blemishes are irritating enough, mentally and physically. The last thing anyone wants is those pestering acne blemishes to turn into difficult to cure scars. When it comes to skin scarring, prevention is king; however, not everyone is fortunate enough to avoid facial scars, be it from acne or other physical traumas. The good news? Scars can be treated. Best of all, the abolishment of scars can be achieved entirely naturally too. 
Ancient Chinese Beauty Secrets for Glowing Skin
Natural skincare is a growing industry in America, but for many other cultures, natural health and beauty have always been the standard. This is particularly true for the people of the Orient. The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in particular,...
Optimizing Testosterone for Skin Health

Little attention has been given to the importance of adequate levels of testosterone, known as the “male hormone”. In this blog post, we specifically dig into testosterone’s relation to skin aging. 

Truth be told, testosterone is not a gender-specific hormone. It is a necessary androgen steroid for optimal metabolic function and well-being. It has been well documented that this important hormone decreases with age in both men and women. When it comes to skin, lower testosterone levels correspond with a decrease in overall skin health, density, and elasticity.

How to Naturally Treat Hormonal Acne

There are a variety of acne types and postulated causes, however, at the root of them all is an imbalance of hormones. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body. They are how every cell, tissue, and organ communicate with one another. And as it turns out, people with acne appear to have a certain hormonal environment that contributes to the development of pimples.

In this article, we will be taking a look at some of the key hormones known to contribute to acne and how to balance them naturally.

Alcohol & Skin Health: Is Drinking Aging Your Skin?
Most of us are aware of the negative effects that chronic alcohol consumption can have on our health. Countless studies have verified that regular drinking is associated with a range of health problems including liver and pancreas diseases, hepatic encephalopathy,...
3 Foods for Acne-Free Skin
According to statistics over 80% of American’s struggle with acne. While the severity of the acne can differ, the fact of the matter is that a very large percentage of people today experience less than optimal skin. And despite the wide range of anti-acne protocols including dermatologist, mediations and over the counter ointments, the problems persist.  
For Youthful Skin, Improve Your circulation
The circulatory system is the proverbial river of life that flows throughout our bodies. It carries precious nutrients, hormones and other chemicals through organ to organ and cell to cell. It is a very important aspect of overall health and metabolic function. It is through the circulatory system that immune cells are delivered to protect the body from pathogens. The bloodstream also carries away metabolic wastes, toxicity and pathogens to be eliminated from the body. We need circulation for both nourishment and detoxification. Therefore, poor blood circulation can lead to the possibility of many health problems; it can especially cause an issue of unattractive, unhealthy skin. One of the key factors in healthy, glowing skin is great circulation. Proper blood flow ensures even skin tone, nutrient delivery to the skin cells and the healthy detoxification of the skin. But what happens when circulation goes bad?
Cold-Pressed Organic Oils
There are a variety of natural oils which are excellent for supporting our overall health and especially the health of the hair and skin. Finding the right oils; however, can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. The truth is, not all oils are created equally, some are highly beneficial, while others are best avoided. One walk through a health food or grocery store and you will find a variety of different oils with terms such as “cold Pressed, unrefined, refined, virgin, and raw”. The question is then, which of these types of oils are best and what ones should be avoided?
The Best Herbs for Your Skin
Glowing, healthy skin is a goal for many and it isn’t necessarily a vain one. Healthy skin is often a reflection of strong, healthy organs and overall good health. Additionally, the skin is an important organ in the body, which protects our internal organs from the outside world. However, most of us have been misled on the path to optimal skin wellness. Rather than supporting the health of our internal organs, we have often been sold on chemically manufactured, synthetic “beauty” products that have ended up causing more harm than help. 
How to Stop Wrinkles at the Cause
The general culprit of wrinkles is often thought to be sun damage. However, while excessive sun exposure, to the point of burning, can play a role in the formation of wrinkles, there is a cause overlooked. Not many people are aware of the fact that sugar actually ages the skin much faster than the Sun, especially when you consider the anti-aging and beauty benefits of healthy sun exposure. Yes, that’s right, a diet rich in sugar (even the healthy stuff) can lead to the formation of wrinkles. This occurs through a process known as glycation, where sugar binds to proteins in the skin, causing the formation of new molecules known ironically as AGEs or Advanced Glycation End-Products.
Andy's Morning Bulletproof Power Coffee
If you haven't had bulletproof coffee by now, you're missing out! Bulletproof coffee is a high calorie drink meant to replace what you'd typically have for breakfast. Everyone adds their own flavor to their recipes. Read on to see how Andy, the CEO/Founder of Alitura, likes to drink his Bulletproof coffee.
Foods That Set the Mood
Whether you love or hate Valentines Day, I think we can all agree that there is something about the holiday that acts as a bit of a natural aphrodisiac. In an effort to help you get the most out of your sex life, here are some of my favorite foods that set the mood that I have noticed make a positive difference in mine.
The Most Common Skincare Myths
The skin is the body’s largest organ; it is so much more than a surface to be cleaned and dressed up. In fact, the skin is an alive, dynamic and complex organization of microorganisms, nerves, glands and trillions of cells, which orchestrate together to serve as a protective barrier, detoxification system and a large part of your immune system. As a barrier system, the skin helps shield your internal organs and body from thermal, chemical, environmental, electromagnetic and other types of external stress. It is also capable of producing its own protective microbial layers to protect you the body from infection, while enabling the body to manufacture vitamin D when exposed to sun light.
Why Sunscreen Does More Harm than Good
Over the last century, people have used many different forms of “sunscreen” in an attempt to block out ultraviolet light emitted by the sun. The early sunscreens resembled that of a DIY sunblock paste you might find on Etsy, consisting mostly of a zinc oxide base. These were largely unpopular due to their pasty texture. Over time, the formulas became both smoother and increasingly more complex and toxic, possibly causing more harm than good.
5 Natural Ways to Protect Your Skin from the Sun
The sun’s warm rays are a magical source of healing and beauty. The right amount can energize you on a cellular level, give your skin a beautiful golden tone, ward off bacteria and improve a wide variety of skin issues....
The Secret to Combating Dry Winter Skin
Winter is a time of year where glowing summer skin tends to become dry, dull and lackluster. Usually, dry skin occurs when the skin tissue doesn’t retain enough moisture, which can be caused by various factors, including the use of...
Bright Light Therapy for Anti-Aging & Beauty
These are not even all of the known and proven benefits of bright light therapy either, you could easily search the internet for a few hours finding many others. 
Boost Mitochondria to Reverse Skin Aging & Hair Loss
There are many things that go wrong in the body and contribute to aging. however, mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of them all. Our bodies are complex organisms with seemingly endless biological and chemical reactions that make it tick. At the cell level, dysfunction of the mitochondria can cause a chain reaction of ill effects leading to not just disease, but aging of the skin and hair.