Alitura Theory
Science-Backed Anti-Aging Foods & Herbs for Youthful Skin
by Alitura Internal
Although wrinkles are part of a natural and normal aging—and certainly should not make one feel less of themselves—wrinkly skin, nevertheless, is undesirable for most. Some may consider wrinkles a sign of strength and endurance, but most consider them aesthetically displeasing. For the latter group, there is hope for renewed skin. You see, the pathology of aging may be objective, but the rate of aging is very subjective. Meaning, our actions—specifically sleep habits, activity levels, stress, and of course nutritional habits—all affect the quality and rate of how we age. In fact, there is clinical research and scientific evidence that indicates the ability to delay aging and even reverse skin conditions through proper nutrition. The various nutrients in our foods can help with everything from wrinkles and sagging skin to pigmentation issues and more.
Andy Hnilo’s Revitalizing Herbal Tonic
by Alitura Internal
Here it is... My incredibly potent Morning Tonic! (All herbs are Jing Herbs and Starwest Botanicals. All amino acids are Disclaimer: I recommend getting a full spectrum blood test done at least once a year and basing your own tonic on your inflammation markers and thyroid health. This is what I do, but all of us are different. I have noticed a consistent source of energy through this tonic that sustains throughout the day. I built this based on the chinese philosophy of strengthening our system by building better blood and circulation through adaptogenic and ayurvedic herbs and medicinal mushrooms. I combine amino acids to assist in circulating this vital nutrients from head to toe. I have notice a strengthenes immmne system, quick workout recovery, unbelievable vasodilation (circulation), stamina and sharper cognitive function.
9 Toxic Reasons to Ditch Your Conventional Skincare Products
by Alitura Internal
One of the first rules of holistic skin care is, “if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.” Therefore it becomes of utmost importance to carefully observe the labels of your skincare products, just as you would your food. By now, most of us have confronted the fact that the FDA has not done the most honest job of regulating what is considered safe for consumption – this also applies to skincare and beauty products. The truth is, most commercial skincare and hygiene products are incredibly toxic. There are literally thousands of chemicals in commercial products, all of which are absorbed directly into the bloodstream once applied to your skin. You might be wondering how it is possible for unnatural and harmful ingredients to make their way into these products. The simple answer is that large corporations actually have the ability to freely use any raw ingredients they like without government evaluation or approval. In short, the skincare industry is highly unregulated.
Be Careful What You Put on Your Skin
by Alitura Internal
Not many people make the connection between their skin quality and the health of their liver. In Chinese Medicine and other holistic bodies of medicine, it is common knowledge that each organ system connects to each other. The skin and liver are two organs that are very intimately connected. Our skin’s glow is a direct reflection of our liver function.
Alitura Attends Paleo(fx) 2017 in Austin Texas
by Alitura Internal
This year's Paleo(fx) convention was awesome! We set up our booth showcasing some of our newest products including our Alitura Derma Roller and Body Lotion. The Derma Roller was one of the most exciting products of the convention as one intrigued customer after another dropped by to learn of their benefits and how to use them. Check out our blog post and learn everything you need to know about Derma Rolling by clicking here. There were so many great companies in attendance this year, and when it was all over I was filled with inspiration and gratitude.
The Alitura Derma Roller Is Back In Stock
by Alitura Internal
During our initial launch of the Alitura Derma Roller, we received so many orders of this revolutionary product that it was back ordered. We are excited to let you know you that the Derma Roller is back in stock in all 3 sizes: 1mm, .5mm, and .25mm!
The Best Reasons to Use a Daily Night Cream
by Alitura Internal
According to statistics over 80% of American’s struggle with acne. While the severity of the acne can differ, the fact of the matter is that a very large percentage of people today experience less than optimal skin. And despite the wide range of anti-acne protocols including dermatologist, mediations and over the counter ointments, the problems persist.
Get Better Skin With the Alitura Clay Mask
by Alitura Internal
No matter what you try to do each day, your face never seems to have the smooth skin and healthy glow that you want the most. Perhaps you have problems with acne, dry skin or have suffered damage from the sun over the years and your skin lacks the healthy look you want. Instead of simply accepting the way your skin looks or turning to prescription medications, that may or may not work, contain harsh chemicals and synthetics you need to look for a better, more effective alternative. Here at Alitura Naturals, we can provide you with better skin, thanks to the widely sold, Alitura clay mask.
The Benefits of a Clay Mask for Your Skin
by Alitura Internal
Check out our most up-to-date and in-depth article here, called The Benefits of a Clay Mask! We all would love to have a natural glow to our skin each day, but for many of us, no matter what we try to do, it does not work out. You may find that you have problems with acne or blemishes and no matter what diet you maintain or products you try from your local drug or beauty store, nothing seems to change. Perhaps it is time you considered trying a clay mask to help you. There are several benefits when using a clay mask on your skin and one that includes, finally getting that healthy glow and look you want.
The Magic of Plant-Derived Stem Cells
by Alitura Internal
Throughout the centuries, people have stumbled upon several natural ways to keep their skin looking young. One of the most recent and profound findings in natural, anti-aging remedies, is the discovery of plant stem cells. Using our modern technology, cells can be extracted from plants and cultivated in the laboratory to multiply their molecular potency by 1000 times to bring out the highest concentration possible, which allows the final product to give instant results. In the most basic sense, plant stem cells are literally extracted stem cells of plants. Moreover, a stem cell is postulated to be responsible for the renewal and regeneration of tissues (cells create tissues, tissues create organs, and organs create organisms). Because of their regenerative abilities, stem cells are some of the most important in the body, without them, our cells would not renew. The more stem cells the body has, the faster and quicker the regeneration process.
How a Natural Clay Mask Will Work for You
by Alitura Internal
No matter what type of skin care regimen you maintain, you may find that your skin still does not look as good as you would like. You may fight problems with acne and blemishes constantly, and you may have spent hundreds of dollars’ on different skin care products without positive results. What many people do not know is that many of the skin care products you find today may contain ingredients that are chemical in nature, causing reactions and problems for your skin instead of helping it. What you want is an all-natural method to help your skin. When you come to us at Alitura Naturals, you can try our natural clay mask and see just how a clay mask will work well for you.
What Makes a Night Cream Effective for You?
by Alitura Internal
We all take our skin for granted each day, thinking it will just take care of itself. Even though you wash regularly, eat healthily and exercise, the truth is that your skin cannot do it all and needs some help so it stays looking its best, feeling great and maintains good health and strength. Even if you take steps to care for your skin, you still must deal with all the chemicals, pollutants and allergens in the air around you each day, which can clog and wear down your skin. Add that to the chemicals in much of the food you eat, the makeup you use and perhaps even your soaps and cleansers, and your skin must fight more each day than you realize. That is why taking steps at the end of each day can be important to you, and why a night cream can help make a difference for you.
Pearl Powder: The Secret Beauty Tonic for Healthy Skin and Much More
by Alitura Internal
Pearl is one of the greatest secrets utilized by the exceptionally beautiful women of the Orient. Also known as margarita, this is a Shen enhancing, Heart and Liver tonic that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many reasons including healthy skin.
Andy Hnilo's Alitura Clay Mask Routine
by Alitura Internal
The perfect clay mask routine starts with the Derma Roller. In addition to boosting collagen production, the 600 titanium microneedle roller reduces the appearance of large pores. It's the beauty industry’s best-kept secret and Andy swears by it to enhance his mask experience.
Best Natural Facial Cleanser: The Alitura Pearl Cleanser
by Alitura Internal
There is significant scientific evidence unrolling all the time about the dangers of the synthetic ingredients found in commercial facial cleansers. Industry standard ingredients have been linked to everything from skin irritation to cancer. One important thing to note when purchasing any beauty product is to always check the ingredients.
One of Andy's High Nutrition Meals
by Alitura Internal
I'm not going to be winning any food-plating competitions anytime soon but let's focus on the important part, the nutrition. When I want to give my digestive system a break after eating a lot of meat or fish protein, I will go with softer protein, like eggs, for a few days. I really believe (barring any allergies or food sensitivity issues) that pasture raised - organic eggs should be categorized as a superfood. As you will notice below, the yolks are still intact by cooking them sunny side up. This retains the great fatty acid composition and mineral content and preserving the vital nutrients that good pastured egg yolks contain.
Focus TV's "The Pitch" with Andy Hnilo
by Alitura Internal
I had a blast on Focus TV's show 'The Pitch,' where I was able to discuss how I took a bad accident, getting hit and run over by two cars, and ultimately found my true passion in skincare, health and wellness. I chatted with Rachel Wallis, who is an expert in business and is highly respected in the entrepreneurial community. It is always fun to retrace the steps of how I created The Alitura Clay Mask, Moisturizer and Night Cream out of a single bedroom apartment in North Hollywood, and grew it into a global business that is now located in 75 countries.
Colostrum and Its Amazing Health Benefits to Humans
by Andy Hnilo
Does colostrum have benefits for the skin? Absolutely! Colostrum plays an essential role in giving the body vital micronutrients needed to maintain a healthy, vibrant existence.