Andy Hnilo's Alitura Clay Mask Routine

Andy Hnilo's Alitura Clay Mask Routine

How to get the Alitura Glow? Here Andy Hnilo shares the ultimate Alitura Clay Mask routine, which he completes four times a week to purify his skin and leave it radiating for the day. [caption id="attachment_14875" align="aligncenter" width="551"]Before and after images of Andy Hnilo wearing the Alitura Clay Mask Clay Mask Before and After[/caption]

Before the Clay Mask:

The perfect clay mask routine starts with the Derma Roller. In addition to boosting collagen production, the 600 titanium microneedle roller reduces the appearance of large pores. It's the beauty industry’s best-kept secret and Andy swears by it to enhance his mask experience.

Next, apply Andy's go-to clay mix:

Almost done..

Let dry. Rinse. Cleanse. Moisturize. Simple. Consistent. Effective. ⚡ To find out more about the benefits of a clay mask, check out our dedicated post. Do you have your own mask application routine? What do you mix your Alitura Clay Mask with? SaveSave SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave

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