The Best Herbs for Your Skin
Glowing, healthy skin is a goal for many and it isn’t necessarily a vain one. Healthy skin is often a reflection of strong, healthy organs and overall good health. Additionally, the skin is an important organ in the body, which protects our internal organs from the outside world. However, most of us have been misled on the path to optimal skin wellness. Rather than supporting the health of our internal organs, we have often been sold on chemically manufactured, synthetic “beauty” products that have ended up causing more harm than help. 
How to Stop Wrinkles at the Cause
The general culprit of wrinkles is often thought to be sun damage. However, while excessive sun exposure, to the point of burning, can play a role in the formation of wrinkles, there is a cause overlooked. Not many people are aware of the fact that sugar actually ages the skin much faster than the Sun, especially when you consider the anti-aging and beauty benefits of healthy sun exposure. Yes, that’s right, a diet rich in sugar (even the healthy stuff) can lead to the formation of wrinkles. This occurs through a process known as glycation, where sugar binds to proteins in the skin, causing the formation of new molecules known ironically as AGEs or Advanced Glycation End-Products.
Foods That Set the Mood
Whether you love or hate Valentines Day, I think we can all agree that there is something about the holiday that acts as a bit of a natural aphrodisiac. In an effort to help you get the most out of your sex life, here are some of my favorite foods that set the mood that I have noticed make a positive difference in mine.
The Most Common Skincare Myths
The skin is the body’s largest organ; it is so much more than a surface to be cleaned and dressed up. In fact, the skin is an alive, dynamic and complex organization of microorganisms, nerves, glands and trillions of cells, which orchestrate together to serve as a protective barrier, detoxification system and a large part of your immune system. As a barrier system, the skin helps shield your internal organs and body from thermal, chemical, environmental, electromagnetic and other types of external stress. It is also capable of producing its own protective microbial layers to protect you the body from infection, while enabling the body to manufacture vitamin D when exposed to sun light.
Why Sunscreen Does More Harm than Good
Over the last century, people have used many different forms of “sunscreen” in an attempt to block out ultraviolet light emitted by the sun. The early sunscreens resembled that of a DIY sunblock paste you might find on Etsy, consisting mostly of a zinc oxide base. These were largely unpopular due to their pasty texture. Over time, the formulas became both smoother and increasingly more complex and toxic, possibly causing more harm than good.
5 Natural Ways to Protect Your Skin from the Sun
The sun’s warm rays are a magical source of healing and beauty. The right amount can energize you on a cellular level, give your skin a beautiful golden tone, ward off bacteria and improve a wide variety of skin issues....
Bright Light Therapy for Anti-Aging & Beauty
These are not even all of the known and proven benefits of bright light therapy either, you could easily search the internet for a few hours finding many others. 
Hacks for Reducing Skin Inflammation: Rashes, Allergies & Dermatitis
Imagine investing generous amounts of money and time caring for your skin only for it to breakout in an unsightly rash - for skin enthusiasts like us, nothing is quite as aggravating as this. Fortunately, skin allergies can be controlled and, through understanding how to do so, a new level of skin wellness can be achieved.
Ashwagandha Benefits for Women
Ashwagandha has a wide reputation in the world of herbal medicine as a potent adaptogen. Traditionally, ashwagandha has been used to improve energy, stamina, resistance to stress, libido, immunity and more. Today, research on ashwagandha’s broad-range medicinal effects has given it modern recognition. 
The Worst Oils for Your Skin: How Polyunsaturated Fats Age Skin
For a long time, fat has been demonized, being blamed for everything from heart attacks to obesity. However, you’ve probably heard the good news, the science is in and as it turns out, fat isn’t bad for us after all. What most of those old claims failed to point out was key discernment between types of fats. The fact is, not all fats are created equally. There are many different types of fats, some of those fats are incredibly nourishing and necessary for hormone production and thyroid function. A total avoidance of fat can lead to a variety of problems, particularly thyroid issues, which can cause the skin to become dry, weak and aged. Not only will the right types of fats improve our overall metabolic function, they can work miracles on our skin. However, before you begin, you should be aware of which kinds of fat you should add to your diet to for good health and a healthy glow.
Chinese Face Mapping: An Ancient Guide to Healing Your Face & Body
The eyes never lie and the face tells all. It is true that the eyes are the window to the soul and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the face is the map which decodes the mind, body, and soul's silent language. We’ve all experienced this in some way or another – non-verbal exchanges to others passing by, tired eyes exhibiting a sleepless night, and the basic idea of body language. We all know that the face is, in some way or another, a mirror to the outer world which showcases our inner realm. 
Holistic Tips for Younger, Healthier Skin
Alitura's Scar Healing Protocol