4 Common Skincare Myths Debunked
So much of the conventional skin care market is based on psychology rather than physiology. At Alitura, we do not fight this, instead, we seek to improve it by providing the best of both worlds: luxury and delivery. In an industry that is more saturated with untruths than science-backed methodology, here we debunk four of the most common skin care myths.
Myth #1: An expensive product means a better product.
Naturally, one would think that the more something cost, the greater the value, right? Unfortunately, not always. There are plenty of skincare serums that are priced over $150 that are deficient of any quality ingredients. In this case, what you’re buying in the brand, and that’s all. Before you spend a pretty penny on your next skincare haul, check the label.
If you don’t know what to look for, we have an eBook and plenty of blog posts that will teach which ingredients to avoid like the plague. Rest assured, if you're taking care of your skin with Alitura, we’ve got you covered in this department. The creation process in each of our products is extensive because we only use and source ingredients that have extensive research backing their benefits.
Myth #2: Eating oily foods causes oily skin and acne.
First and foremost, the overproduction of skin oil, also known as sebum, is one of the major contributing factors to acne. Eating oily foods does not necessarily make your skin oily, there are other factors involved. For example, one of the major reasons the skin becomes oily or dry is because the thyroid is not working properly.
Together, vitamin A and thyroid hormone regulate the sebum gland. An overactive or underactive thyroid alongside a vitamin A deficiency contributes to oily skin.

That said, eating the wrong type of oils may contribute to a thyroid deficiency and therefore lead to oily skin. Polyunsaturated fats like canola, soybean, and other vegetable oils are known to inhibit the production, secretion, and transport of thyroid hormone. This can cause very dry skin, which is actually more problematic.
Somewhat oily skin is protective to the skin, ensuring skin hydration and moisturization. However, as we age, the skin tends to become dry and less supple. In the case of very oily skin, this is likely caused by hyperactive adrenal activity. In this condition, androgens like DHEA are produced in excess to buffer the overactive stress hormones, causing sebum (oil) production to rapidly increase. In either case, avoiding the consumption of polyunsaturated oils would be a smart move. To learn more about the best and worst oils for your skin, read this earlier post.

Myth #3: Sunshine is bad for your skin.
One of the biggest skincare myths is that sunlight is dangerous and causes skin aging and wrinkles. Although this belief has been circling for the last 50-60 years, it is simply not true.
Certainly, spending an excessive amount of time in the sun to the point of burning, or using tanning booths that have high EMF-radiation can be harmful. However, regular sun exposure is great for the skin. As we discuss in a previous post, most of the aging effects seen from “sun exposure” are actually due to the use of chemical-rich sunscreens, poor nutrition, and outright too much sun.
Granted you are not engaging in those activities, developing a gradual tan through repeated, but regulated, sun exposure isn't dangerous. In fact, it is great for the skin. Sunlight activates an enzyme known as cytochrome c oxidase, which turns on the mitochondria in your cells. This is why the sun is so energizing. It also increases dopamine and lowers stress hormones. Not to mention, a nice golden tan is one of the simplest ways to reduce acne, inflammation, and improve your skin's natural glow.

Myth #4: Crossing your legs causes varicose veins.
This is another major skin care myth that has gone around for some time. There are actually numerous risk factors in varicose veins, none of them related to crossing your legs. The truth is, high levels of estrogen and a progesterone deficiency are some of the major causes of varicose veins.
Progesterone is a protective hormone that increases the integrity and tone of the vascular system. Estrogen actually leads to edema and swelling, which can cause the vein to lose its tone, resulting in varicose veins.
Other typical factors include hereditary, inactivity or overactivity, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, pregnancy (high prolactin and estrogen), and obesity. If you want to learn more about how to naturally treat and prevent varicose veins, be sure to read this article.
The Bottom Line
There are many myths and misconceptions about what improves the health of the skin, and what deteriorates it. In order to fully understand how to properly care for the skin, we must ultimately understand how our bodies work. After all, the skin is just one of the 5 major organs. When we stop looking at the health and appearance of our skin as some separate entity, we can then provide it with the adequate care it needs to thrive. To learn more about proper skin care, download our FREE Natural Path to Perfect Skin e-book.
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The perfect introduction to a spa-quality, luxury skincare routine. Enjoy what many people are calling the most effective protocol for a crystal clear complexion.
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