Alitura Theory

The Magic of Plant-Derived Stem Cells
Throughout the centuries, people have stumbled upon several natural ways to keep their skin looking young. One of the most recent and profound findings in natural, anti-aging remedies, is the discovery of plant stem cells. Using our modern technology, cells can be extracted from plants and cultivated in the laboratory to multiply their molecular potency by 1000 times to bring out the highest concentration possible, which allows the final product to give instant results. In the most basic sense, plant stem cells are literally extracted stem cells of plants. Moreover, a stem cell is postulated to be responsible for the renewal and regeneration of tissues (cells create tissues, tissues create organs, and organs create organisms).  Because of their regenerative abilities, stem cells are some of the most important in the body, without them, our cells would not renew. The more stem cells the body has, the faster and quicker the regeneration process.