Benefits of Zinc: How Zinc Boosts Immunity & Fights Infection
Zinc is one of the most important essential minerals, but it is also one that many people lack. Stress and unbalanced diets both contribute to widespread zinc-deficiency. Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to access the benefits of zinc via supplementation and dietary changesAlitura Naturals Revitalize Supplement is a safe and smart place to start! 
Andy Hnilo visits Dave Asprey of Bulletproof to Plan the Future of Alitura
Late in Summer 2013 I reached out to Bulletproof Executive CEO, Dave Asprey, in hopes of landing a job with his company. I didn't know his email address so I found the general email in the Contact section of the Bulletproof site and troubleshooted it by coming up with as many different combinations as I could, based on his name. Of course they all bounced back with errors... except for one. What followed was a conference call which led to me becoming a Bulletproof Ambassador, which in turn led to our first podcast on Bulletproof. 
Healthier Kidneys, Healthier Skin: The Kidney-Skin Connection
The kidney-skin connection isn't often discussed, however in reality, it turns out that healthier kidneys equal healthier skin. As taught in Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are one of the most important organs in the body and play a major role in determining skin health and beauty.