Glow Notes

5 Proven Supplements for Beautiful Skin from Within
For a while, it seems we collectively forgot the medicinal and anti-aging abilities of food. Instead, our society has largely been focused on topical applications for skin hygiene and health. Although select topical agents such as honey, aloe, clay, and others do provide therapeutic value the truth is, beauty comes from the inside. The use of nutrition and other natural substances for improving skin health traces as far back as Egyptian times.
The Best Supplements for Healthy, Glowing Skin
There are countless supplements on the market that promise improved physical beauty and “anti-aging” benefits. The question is, how can you know for sure what works, and what doesn’t for healthy skin? In order to truly know, it is helpful to know a bit about how the body works and what the skin needs to be healthy. So, before you head out to your nearest health food store, consider these few tips on selecting quality and effective supplements for the skin.
Biotin for Treating Eczema & Dry Skin
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is the most common form of dermatitis. It is often considered a “genetic” condition, however, this may not be the full truth.  We know that stress, diet, and environmental factors are involved in its pathogenesis or development. People with eczema tend to have very dry and itchy skin that is more susceptible to infection. Dry skin is a common feature of poorly functioning skin. Therefore, restoring proper skin hydration is the most important part of treating eczema.