Glow Notes

Learn the Benefits of a Clay Mask
Having great looking skin is something that most of us strive for each day, but finding the best ways to make it happen can be a bit confusing. You hear all kinds of suggestions about routines you should do for taking care of your face to maintain a healthy glow, but how do you know which of them works the best? You could go through trial and error and spend lots of money trying out products that may or may not work for you, or you could turn to something that has been in use for thousands of years and is known to provide great results – the clay mask. Once you learn the benefits of a clay mask, you will wonder why you have waited so long to try one out.
The Remarkable Skin Healing Power of Clay

The Alitura Clay mask contains four different types of clay which thoroughly purify the skin at it’s deepest layers.

Today, I want to deep dive into exactly where these clays come from, the unique benefits they each provide, and exactly how they work to beautify your skin. The key element of why clay has such an amazing effect on the skin is its ability to draw out impurities, toxins, and heavy metals.

Switching to Natural Deodorant: Why You Should Detox Your Armpits
Many cosmetics and skin care products that are used all over the world have chemicals that contain carcinogens, which are known to cause cancer. Much like other conventional skincare products, typical deodorants and antiperspirants rely heavily on preservatives, fragrances, and...
The Benefits of a Clay Mask
Why You Should Use Clay on Your Skin:Beauty & Health Benefits of a Clay Mask The use of clay for topical healing and internal medicinal uses traces back throughout ancient history. Clay as medicine has been referenced as far back...