Glow Notes

DHEA for Youthful Skin
Dehydroepiandrosterone, also known as DHEA, gets its very complex name because it has never been identified to have one particularly dominant mechanism. However, it appears that DHEA has the primary objective of achieving health and youth in the body. The...
Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Although more than 40% of women and 25% of men suffer from varicose veins, very few truly understand their underlying root cause. Often times they show up as a symptom of underlying stress and hormonal imbalances. These bulging, discolored veins are mostly harmless but can cause acute pain and discomfort. Fortunately, there are natural remedies for varicose veins that make solving the problem easy.
How Horsetail Benefits Your Skin
Horsetail, also known as Shavegrass, Bottle Brush or by its scientific name Equisetum arvense, is a perennial plant that resembles a horse’s tail. It commonly grows in North America, Asia, and Europe. Horsetail contains important nutrients that support the health of the skin, including iron, manganese, silica and various antioxidants. Additionally, horsetail is known to possess antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
The Harmful Beauty Effects of Estrogen
In an earlier post, we talked all about the damaging effects of stress hormone cortisol. In this post, we will focus on the harmful beauty effects of estrogen, another stress hormone.
Ancient Chinese Beauty Secrets for Glowing Skin
Natural skincare is a growing industry in America, but for many other cultures, natural health and beauty have always been the standard. This is particularly true for the people of the Orient. The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in particular,...
Optimizing Testosterone for Skin Health

Little attention has been given to the importance of adequate levels of testosterone, known as the “male hormone”. In this blog post, we specifically dig into testosterone’s relation to skin aging. 

Truth be told, testosterone is not a gender-specific hormone. It is a necessary androgen steroid for optimal metabolic function and well-being. It has been well documented that this important hormone decreases with age in both men and women. When it comes to skin, lower testosterone levels correspond with a decrease in overall skin health, density, and elasticity.

Bright Light Therapy for Anti-Aging & Beauty
These are not even all of the known and proven benefits of bright light therapy either, you could easily search the internet for a few hours finding many others. 
Beauty From the Inside Out: 5 Beauty Foods For a Good Diet
Evеrуthing уоu eat bесоmеѕ a раrt оf уоur bоdу, so one of the bеѕt ways tо look out for your skin it is to nоuriѕh it frоm the inѕidе out. By еаting a bаlаnсеd diеt уоu can reduce thе арреаrаnсе оf wrinklеѕ, prevent acne, improve уоur skin tеxturе аnd соmрlеxiоn and have bеаutiful, glowing youthful ѕkin. Fееd уоur ѕkin these 5 beauty fооdѕ tо have сlеаrеr, smoother, уоungеr lооking ѕkin.
How to Reduce Age Spots Naturally
Lipofuscin is the technical term for “age spots” or “liver spots”. Here we explore how to reduce age spots naturally. Age spots or lipofuscin is a typically brown pigment that tends to come with aging. According to researchers, lipofuscin has...