Glow Notes

The Benefits of a Clay Mask
The use of clay for topical healing and internal medicinal uses traces back throughout ancient history. Clay as medicine has been referenced as far back as ancient Rome, 60 BC to be exact. Aristotle – the Father of Medicine – also referenced the conscious effort of eating the earth, in the form of soil or clay, for its therapeutic benefits as far back as 384–322 BC. Considering that the Earth is made up largely of minerals, which is the bulk of what clay is, it wouldn’t be surprising to find out that the use of clay as medicine traces back even further. All throughout the natural world we see animals use mud intuitively to protect themselves from excessive sun exposure, to ward off insects and bugs, and to protect their skin. 
Switching to Natural Deodorant: Why You Should Detox Your Armpits
Many cosmetics and skin care products that are used all over the world have chemicals that contain carcinogens, which are known to cause cancer. Much like other conventional skincare products, typical deodorants and antiperspirants rely heavily on preservatives, fragrances, and...
Beauty From the Inside Out: 5 Beauty Foods For a Good Diet
Evеrуthing уоu eat bесоmеѕ a раrt оf уоur bоdу, so one of the bеѕt ways tо look out for your skin it is to nоuriѕh it frоm the inѕidе out. By еаting a bаlаnсеd diеt уоu can reduce thе арреаrаnсе оf wrinklеѕ, prevent acne, improve уоur skin tеxturе аnd соmрlеxiоn and have bеаutiful, glowing youthful ѕkin. Fееd уоur ѕkin these 5 beauty fооdѕ tо have сlеаrеr, smoother, уоungеr lооking ѕkin.