The Best Anti-Inflammatory Skin Care Ingredients

What to Avoid
Menthol, fragrance, alcohol, eucalyptus, mint, and citrus can be harsh on sensitive skin. While we normally recommend apple cider vinegar as a toner or as a mixing liquid for the Alitura Clay Mask, if you have raw sensitive rashes and patches you’ll want to use something gentler, like rose water. Additionally, during an inflammation outbreak, you want to stay clear of hard exfoliants (like those that contain small plastic beads) and facial peels. Bonus tip: When you shower, go for warm water instead of super hot water to avoid drying out your skin and causing further irritation.Best Ingredients for Soothing the Skin
Without further ado, here are some of our favorite skincare ingredients to soothe redness, flakiness, itchy and sensitive skin:Astaxanthin
Astaxanthin is a powerhouse antioxidant proven to be a sensational nutrient for improving skin stability by targeting oxidative stress, inflammation and immune function while preventing and eliminating wrinkles and age spots. 1 In fact, this is one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature.
One study points to astaxanthin as a remedy for dermatitis. 2 Others show the benefits of astaxanthin for protection against UV skin damage. 3
These benefits are why we use astaxanthin in the Alitura Gold Serum.Calcium Bentonite Clay
Also known as Green Desert Clay, bentonite is a highly absorbent quarry-mined Clay, develops a mild electric charge when saturated with liquid. This quality is particularly helpful in the extraction of acne-producing toxins and metals. When you mix bentonite clay with water and apply it as a face mask, the clay essentially seeks out toxins to bind to. Bentonite clay masks help with redness, inflammation, breakouts, dermatitis, and even poison ivy! 45Pearl Powder
Pearl has been used by the elite throughout history as a beauty aid. Cleopatra, the last Queen of Egypt, used to drink pearl dissolved in vinegar. Pearl Powder, one of nature’s more subtle exfoliates, has the remarkable ability to establish an even skin tone and smooth out wrinkles. It is particularly useful for eradicating sun spots, reducing redness, and mitigating irritation. It has also been shown to have anti-aging properties! 67Aloe Vera
Aloe is known as the go-to for sunburns due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Additionally, aloe has healing antiviral and antiseptic properties. Aloe vera is a go-to for redness, sensitivity, and wounds. 8
We use Aloe (along with a wide array of other soothing ingredients) in the Alitura Moisturizer.
Turmeric (Curcumin)
Turmeric is one of the most famous herbs in the Ayurvedic (Indian) herbal system and for good reason! Turmeric is often taken internally (it has a bright orange-yellow color that can stain your skin!), we use a potent turmeric extract which concentrates the cucurminoids- the primary active compounds in this herb- in our supplement Revitalize. 9 Making turmeric into a concentrated extract such as this transforms it into much more than just a culinary spice. It’s important to note that turmeric extracts are not well absorbed unless taken with Black Pepper Extract, which of course is included in our Revitalize formula.Kaolin Clay
Kaolin Clay is commonly used in many different spa treatments to help purify, nourish, and heal different skin types. 10 The use of Kaolin Clay originated from the Romans, Greeks and Chinese. It contains many essential nutrients that are beneficial in the anti-aging process. Kaolin, along with bentonite clay, are 2 of the medicinal clays in the Alitura Clay Mask (which also contains freshwater pearl powder!).Raw Manuka Honey
Manuka honey is beloved for its hydrating properties, which are valuable to those with dry or rashy inflamed skin. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great choice for fighting acne, redness, and eczema. It also expedites the healing of wounds. 11Why raw? When honey is heated (pasteurized) it loses many of the therapeutic benefits that make it so wonderful. You can try raw Manuka honey for yourself in our Night Cream.

By managing your breakouts with natural methods that work to heal your skin, you are investing in managing the condition long-term, or recovering altogether. When compared to choosing drugs that only mask the symptoms (and oftentimes cause even more issues down the line), the natural route is the safer and more effective method of permanent, healthy, lasting treatment. Use these anti-inflammatory skin care ingredients to start healing your skin today!
The Natural Path to Perfect Skin
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